Friday, June 27, 2008
Eberron Wiki
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Party Make Up - June 30th
Curtis - Sterling, Warforged Warlord
Dave - Dwarf Fighter
Derek - Delian (Del) Tra'dal, Half-Elf Paladin
Neil - Ethan Dalruun, Human Rogue
Rob - Tiefling Cleric?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Ethan Dalruun

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Creating and Knowing your character
- Use 22 point buy for stats. I think I mentioned it on a Sunday but just wanted to make it official.
- You get 100 gp worth of stuff as outlined in the official rules.
- The game assumes you work at the guild in some manner (see my Synopsis post from May).
- You will be starting the game out as you all arrive at work early one morning. And I mean early... 4:00 am or so. You are going to be the "morning crew" who are getting things geared up for the day.
And one note on gameplay...
You NEED to know your character. I know this is a new ruleset and we are going to be clarifying rules a lot but it is really important that you take a little time to learn what your character can and can't do. If you have a power that stuns a target then you should know the effects of stun so we don't all have to look it up. You get the picture.
I want to keep the game moving along during our sessions. Sitting around waiting for someone to decide what they are attacking or what power they are using is BORING. If your turn comes up and you hum and haw about your course of action you will automatically delay until the end of the round or miss your turn. All within reason of course. I am not a maniacal dictator.. just the DM.
I look forward to any comments or concerns about this...