STR 8 -1
CON 12 +1
DEX 10 +0
INT 18 +4
WIS 17 +3
CHA 12 +1
HP 46
Bloodied 23
Surges/Day 7
Surge Value 11
AC 18 = 10 +4[INT] +1[item] +3[1/2 lvl]
FORT 17 = 10 +1[CON] +2[enh]+1[misc] +3[1/2 lvl]
REF 20 = 10 +4[DEX] +2[enh]+1[misc] +3[1/2 lvl]
WILL 21 = 10 +3[WIS]+2[class]+2[enh} +3[1/2 lvl]
Initiative +7 = 4[DEX] +3[1/2 lvl]
Skills: Arcana +12, History +12, Insight +11, Nature +11, Religion +12
Feats: Action Surge, Human Perseverance, Improved initiative
Racial Features: Normal Vision, Bonus At-Will power, Bonus Feat & Skill, Human Defense Bonuses
Class Features: Control Wizard, Arcane Implement Mastery, Orb of Imposition
At-Will Powers: Magic Missile, Scorching Burst, Thunderwave, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
Encounter Power: Orb of Imposition, Chill Strike, Colour Spray, Enemies Abound
Daily Powers: Phantom Chasm, Phantasmal Assailant, Sleep, Acid Arrow, Stinking Cloud, Fireball
Utility Power: Shield, Dimension Door, Expeditious Retreat, Invisibility
Languages: Common, Draconic
Implement: Magic Orb +1
Basic Adventurer's Kit, 15gp
Cloth Armor, 1gp
Dagger x1, 1gp
Quarterstaff, 5gp
So we know she's hot, but what's her story?
Larien's "friend"? *snort laugh*
Religion is now a Wisdom-based skill according to the eratta. Better re-check your math.
I'm just pulling the stats from the heroforge spreadsheet. I don't do math for DnD ;)
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