Sunday, August 10, 2008

Braddoc Stoneshield

Braddoc Stoneshield

Dwarf Fighter - Level 2

Init +1 = +1 (1/2 Level)

STR 16 +3
CON 18 +4
DEX 10
INT 12 +1
WIS 12 +1
CHA 10

Hipoints = 44
Bloodied = 22
Healing Surge = 11
Surges/Day = 13

AC = 20 = 11 +7 (Scale Armour) +2 (Large Shield)
Fort = 17 = 11 + 4 (Abil) + 2 (Class)
Ref = 12 = 11 + 1 (Abil)
Will = 12 = 11 + 1 (Abil)

Acrobatics +1
Arcana +2
Athletics +2
Bluff +1
Diplomacy +1
Dungeoneering + 4
Endurance +12
Heal +7
History +2
Insight +2
Intimidate +6
Nature +2
Religion +3
Stealth +1
Streetwise +1
Thievery +1

Race Features:
* +2 Con, +2 Str
* +2 Dungeoneering, +2 Endurance
* +2 Saving throws against Poison
* Dwarven Resiliency
* Dwarven Weapon Proficiency
* Encumbered Speed
* Stand Your Ground

Class Features:
* Combat Challenge - Marked if attacked by me. They are -2 to att unless they att me.
* Combat SUperiority - + Wis Mod to Att of Opp, Target stops moving
* Fighter Weapon Talent - +1 to Att with 1 handed weapons

* Dwarven Weapon Trg
* Toughness

At-Will Powers
* Covering Attack
* Cleave

Encounter Powers
* Covering Attack

Daily Powers
* Comeback Strike

Utility Power
* Boundless Endurance

Attack: +1 Vicious Battleaxe: + 9
* +1 (1/2 Level) +3 (Str) +1 (Class) +2 (Prof) +2 (Feat)

Damage: 1D10 + 7 (+1D12 on crit)
* +3 (Abil) +2 (Feat) +1 (Class) +1 (+1 Wpn)

1 comment:

Wimwick said...

Nice build man! I'm jealous of the AC and hit points.

One thing I noticed though is you added +2 to attack for the dwarven weapon training feat, unfortunatley it only grants +2 dmg. On the other hand, you didn't have the +1 to hit for the weapon being magic added in.