Monday, July 7, 2008

Larien Felagund - Ranger (level 2)

Female Elf Ranger

STR 12 +1
CON 10
DEX 20 +5
INT 10
WIS 14 +2
CHA 10

HP 27
Bloodied 13
Surges/Day 6
Surge Value 6

AC 19 = 10 +5[DEX] +2[Darkleaf Leather Armor +1]
FORT 13 = 10 +1[STR] +1[class] +1[1/2 lvl]
REF 17 = 10 +5[DEX] +1[class] +1[1/2 lvl]
WILL 13 = 10 +2[WIS] +1[1/2 lvl]

Initiative +6 = 5[DEX] +1[1/2 lvl]

Skills: Acrobatics +11, Athletics +1, Dungeoneering +2, Heal +8, Insight +2, Nature +10, Perception +10, Stealth +11, Thievery +8

Feats: Lethal Hunter, Elven Precision

Racial Features: Low-Light Vision, Longbow/Shortbow Proficiency, Fey Origin, Group Awareness, Wild Step

Class Features: Archer Fighting Style, Hunter’s Quarry, Prime Shot

At-Will Powers: Nimble Strike, Careful Attack

Encounter Power: Evasive Strike, Elven Accuracy

Daily Power: Split the Tree

Basic Adventurer's Kit, 15gp
Darkleaf Leather Armor +1
Dagger x1, 1gp
Longbow, 30gp
Shortbow, xxgp
Arrows 2x30, 2gp


Suddry said...

NOICE! Well written!

Hmmm... one-eyed dragon eh? Interesting...

Female? You've crossed to the dark side!

Wimwick said...

I like it! Was suprised to see you as a female though.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you play the character out.

Ameron said...

Great job, Cary.

As I continue working on my background I can already see how and why I would get along with all the PCs, including you.